We aim to provide the best possible service to our patients and hope you will feel that we achieve that aim. The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the Primary Health Care Team. The success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each other’s needs and cooperation between us.
Our responsibility to you: · You will be greeted courteously · You have a right to confidentiality · You have the right to see your medical records subject to the limitations of the law · You will be seen the same day if your problem is urgent · You will be seen by your doctor of choice whenever possible · You will be informed if there will be a delay of more than 20 minutes for your appointment · You will receive appropriate information about your condition and treatment · Your medical condition will be managed to the highest standards · You will be referred to a consultant when your GP thinks it necessary · You will be given the result of any test or investigation on request or at your next appointment · Your repeat prescription will be ready for collection within 2 working days of your request · Your suggestions and comments about the services offered will be considered sympathetically and any complaint dealt with quickly Your responsibility to us: · To treat all members of staff with courtesy and respect · Do not ask for information with anyone other than yourself · Tell us of any change of name or address, so that our records are accurate · Only request an urgent appointment if appropriate · Home visits should only be requested if you are bed bound and really too ill to attend surgery. Try to ring before 10:30 AM · Please cancel your appointment in advance if you are unable to attend · Please be punctual, but be prepared to wait if your consultation is delayed by an unexpected emergency · Please appreciate that the reception desk is a busy one and staff will be dealing with many tasks · Please make sure that your mobile phone is switched off when in the surgery · Please allow sufficient time for your consultant’s letter or the results of any tests to reach us. You will be advised of the usual length of time to wait · Do let us know whenever you feel we have not met our responsibility to you We would, of course, be pleased to hear when you feel praise is due, as well.
Violent or Abusive Patients We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect patients to treat staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or other patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients. |
Safety and quality Health and Safety We have a robust framework for ensuring we are adhering to Health and Safety legislation within the practice to prevent harm to both staff working in the surgery and to you when you attend the surgery. The Practice’s health and safety lead is Barrie Hyslop. Quality of Outcomes Framework Known as ‘QOF’, the Quality and Outcome Framework is a system introduced by the government in 2003 to monitor a variety of factors felt to be markers for good medical practice. The practice receives ‘performance related’ payments on the basis of its results. By virtue of standardisation and computerisation of medical records it is possible to monitor the quality and completeness of our record keeping and certain aspects of patient management. Inclusion of criteria used as markers for good practice depends upon there being good evidence that knowing the piece of information should be of significant benefit to the patient’s health outlook. There is certainly some evidence nationally that health promotion and preventative measures are starting to have an impact on patterns of disease. In all there are about 80 individual clinical markers that are monitored. Patient Surveys Each year the Department of Health carry out patient surveys to find out what patients views are of access and quality of services. Your feedback on this is greatly valued and we encourage you to participate in the GP survey. |
Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 26th August, 2021