Lowther Medical Centre

Lines open at 8.00am

Travel health

Our comprehensive travel health advice service is provided by our experienced practice nurse team, supported by our doctors. There is also an excellent NHS travel advice website at www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk which you may like to look at before coming to the surgery. We cover all aspects of holiday health:

  • Which vaccinations do you need?
  • Should you take anti-malarial tablets?
  • Air travel advice (to reduce thrombosis risk)
  • Detailed travel advice print-out for your destination

How you can help

  • Make an appointment with the Practice Nurse at least 6 weeks before you are due to travel, this allows us time to ensure you have the correct vaccinations you require for your trip
  • Please note that all vaccinations must be given at least 2 weeks prior to travel abroad to provide protection and if booking late deals we cannot promise that we will be able to accommodate a last minute appointment in order to provide the vaccinations you require
  • Travel service appointments can be booked in advance at the surgery
  • Fill out a Travel Questionnaire and leave it at Reception 2-3 days before your appointment where possible. This will ensure that the Practice Nurse has all the information she requires to help you. The Travel Questionnaire is available from Reception


Most of our travel service is FREE – this includes all travel health advice, and the print-out of information specific to your destination. Many travel vaccinations are also free (paid for by the NHS) but certain vaccinations, anti-malarial tablets and other medications for overseas travel are not available on the NHS and so in line with other general practices, we make a charge for these items. Details are given below.   If payment is due this is required PRIOR to vaccine administration as some are non stock items.

Vaccinations For Overseas Travel

The following vaccinations are FREE to the traveller:

Hepatitis ACholera

The following vaccines are NOT available on the NHS and fees payable are available from our Reception team

Hepatitis B (course of three injections) 
Yellow feverNot available at LMC

Specialist Centre only

Rabies (course of three injections)
Japanese B encephalitis (course of two injections)
Tickborne encephalitis (course of three injections)Not available at LMC

Private Clinics / Chemist only

MEN ACWYAnti-Malarial Tablets For Overseas Travel

There are several different types of anti-malarial tablet. If anti-malarial tablets are recommended for your holiday, our practice nurse will be able to advise you which type of anti-malarial tablet is best for you and for your particular destination. For advice about anti-malarial tablets for children, ask our practice nurse. You will need to obtain the recommended tablets from your local pharmacy.

Other medications For overseas travel

Certain other drugs are occasionally needed for overseas travel, such as acetazolamide (diamox) (sometimes used by those travelling at very high altitude) and ciprofloxacin (for severe gastro-enteritis). If you think you need either of these medicines, or any other medication for overseas travel, please discuss with our practice nurse.

Have a good holiday!

Date published: 27th March, 2020
Date last updated: 27th March, 2020